The unofficial trademark of S2 Underground is “Fight in the Shade.”
What does it mean exactly?
This quote is paraphrased from the Spartan warrior Dienekes (Διηνέκης) in Heroditus’ history and account of the Battle of Thermopylae (made famous to most younger folks by the film “300“).
The recording of Heroditus actually says the following:
Such were the proofs of valour given by the Lacedemonians and Thespians; yet the Spartan Dienekes is said to have proved himself the best man of all, the same who, as they report, uttered this saying before they engaged battle with the Medes:–being informed by one of the men of Trachis that when the Barbarians discharged their arrows they obscured the light of the sun by the multitude of the arrows, so great was the number of their host, he was not dismayed by this, but making small account of the number of the Medes, he said that their guest from Trachis brought them very good news, for if the Medes obscured the light of the sun, the battle against them would be in the shade and not in the sun.
The screen writers for the film 300 turned the phrase into the slogan “then we will fight in the Shade!”
(The two movie depictions of this quote are the 1962 “300 Spartains” film, then the 2006 “300” one after the other in the YouTube clip below):
‘Fight in The Shade’ – Deeper Meaning Intended by S2 Underground
It could be that the deeper meaning S2 intends with his reference to 300, is to “let your fight against growing totalitarianism in the US, Canada and other western countries be unobserved” (secret, clandestine, etc).
But it seems to me there is a larger metaphor he is getting at – in addition to “fight secretly” against jackboots – is the sort of fight the average citizen faces in the west is a bit like the odds of 300 Spartan soldiers facing off with the massive Persian army in the Battle of Thermopylae.
Yet even if ordinary citizens of the US are facing off against the leviathan monster of the US Mil Industrial Complex / Intel Agencies / shadow govts / etc. whose goals are often quite contrary to merely defending the US homeland as it should be is unrealistic, it is just as necessary, dangerous, and noble a fight as the Spartans’ fight was.
The “Ghost Logo” and the “Ghost Army”
If you’ve wondered what the purpose of this Ghost Logo S2 utilizes, look up the story of the World War 2 tactical deception unit, the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, better remembered as the “Ghost army.”
The patch above was theoretically not their official ensign during the conflict but was later affiliated with them and has since become affiliated with other psychological operations military units (“psy ops”).
This particular unit in the second world war was charged with faking troop movements of the allied western front in order to create a false impression of where the fight was going.
This included sophisticated fake radio transmissions of genuine radio operators in real allied units, but in locations they were not actually in.
You can see in the insignia the hand of the phantom having what looks like radio waves, yet this is the “production of a Ghost army” as opposed to the “real army.”
In addition they made fires, fake tanks and pretended troop camps to provide every false impression to the enemy.
The obvious implication is that given that our homeland enemy of a “shallow” state is sophistocated and deceptive, so we must match that energy and strategem as citizenry.
“go and do likewise”